Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Monday, June 30, 2003

3 Years Ago

I was still in Sheffield then, just completed my degree, had the time of my life while waiting for the Convocation Day. I was still touring around Europe with the Sunflowerians, at Amsterdam on this date, to be precise. 3 years later, now that is, we've all gone separate directions in life, working and achieving our own goals and dreams, about to settle down and start our own families.

I was talking to Tai Lou on the phone last night. The last time I seen him or probably spoke to him was at Aneh's house for his birthday last December. Then, Tai Sou was already about 2 months preggers. Their baby's arrival is just about any time now. ;) Can't believe how time flies. I mean, just 3 years ago, we were all studying together in the kitchen, drinking mugs of hot chocolate. We were making 'pan mee' together, messing up the whole kitchen table and floor with flour. We were watching football matches on telly in the kitchen. We were having our sing-along sessions with Tai Lou, Chino & Nutty strumming their guitars away. We were having those heart-to-heart sessions at FRG's room, talking about our dreams, hopes, regrets and stuffs like that. We were graduating together!

Truth to be told, I didn't expect Tai Lou to be the first one among the 6 of us to tie the knot, what's more the first to start a family. He used to be more of a person who would want to excel in his career first, then only decide on marriage. And he's the kind of person who would want to enjoy his life as much as he can first before he decides to settle down. So when one fine day, we received his e-mail, informing us that he was getting married, I called him instantly and my first sentence was "Oh my goodness!" Hehe.. Looks like Tai Sou really changed him. ;) But yeah, that was in late 2001. So during Aneh's recent birthday celebration, Tai Lou & Tai Sou waited for all 6 of us to be there before they announced that they were parents-to-be. We all got excited! I mean, who wouldn't, right? ;)

Looking back at those times, we've probably changed a lot. We're not as close as we used to be. But to me, we will always remain the Sunflowerians. We've had tons of memories together, be it good or bad ones. And now that little one will be born soon, daddy will tell him stories of the Sunflowerians, eh? *grin*

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Are Snails Seafood?

That was one of the topics we had over at Klimt's last night. Hehe.. You see, we ordered Escargots, and Moorish can't take seafood coz she's undergoing radiation today. That started off the topic on whether it was safe for her to take the Escargots..

"Snails live on land so it's safe"
"Snails are crustacean so it's seafood"
"Snails are amphibians"

After 5-10 minutes, we still weren't sure if snails are seafood. Heh!

Anyway, we had Viennese food there. 8 of us - me, Inspector, Sue, Moorish and her partner, Lily, Jewel and her partner. Had a good 2 hours plus of catching up with each other's lives, celebrated Sue's birthday with a Blackforest cake, and then took some pictures before we left. The "makan-ing" experience reminded me of the times when I was at Tyrol, Austria during the European Experience tour. On the first night there, we had goulash soup with bread, pork chop with potato, and apple strudel for dinner. Second night, we had roast lamb and fruit cocktail. Even had a sip of Apple Schnapps. Hehe.. Gosh.. I miss those days!

Oh, right, Moorish didn't take the Escargots after all.. Just to be safe. And I've just checked on Google..

"Snails and shellfish are molluscs that have shells. Snails are found in fresh and sea water, and some snails have also adapted to life on land."

So... Does this mean snails are seafood?

Monday, June 23, 2003

Happy Birthday, Loyar

Called Sue at midnight. She was burning the midnight oil and have forgotten that it was already her birthday. Hehe..

Had a good chat/catching up with her, since she had been busy preparing herself for the CLP. Will be havng a small birthday dinner for her at Klimt's tonight. ;)

Friday, June 06, 2003

Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye

Have you ever taken some time to ponder about your life, about all the people you love surrounding you.. And how life is short, that one sudden day, they might not be around anymore..

I was watching the final 2-hour episode of Dawson's Creek (DC) last night, and it really touched my heart. For those who has never watched DC at all, it revolves around a group of teenagers who were closely bonded together, facing all the challenges in life as they grew up, be it family, friendships and even love. This final episode focued on them, being grown up, living their separate lives, finally reunited only to find out that one of them was dying.

Many a times, you meet new people along the way, create new friendships with them. When you reach the fork of life, you depart, and you strive for your own goals and achievements. Sometimes, if not most of the times, you neglect the people whom you have shared a part of your life with. Whom you have gone through good and bad times together. Whom you have grown up with. Do you still keep in close contact with them? Or do you ever wonder where are they and what are they doing now? Have you ever given a thought that, one day, they might not live anymore?

Sometimes you get too busy with your own lives, that you "don't" have the time, not even a minute, to call/e-mail/text your families and friends, assuming that they are fine and that you tell yourself you will do that later when you're not too busy.. Then you put it of.. Then the loop goes on and on.. Till the point where you don't realize the person you've played Barbie Dolls or Transformers with, has married and have his/her own kids. Or the friend who used to cry on your shoulders is now a successful and respectable person. Or the person whom you've had a crush on back in schooldays is dying. When you said your goodbyes before you departed from them, did you really mean Goodbye? Did it mean that you'll never see them again?

Life is short and precious. You never know just what the future holds for you. Take the time, even just 1 minute of your time, to say "Hi, how are you?". Let them know how much they mean (or have meant) to you and how they have touched your life and heart. Don't let it wait until it is too late for you to do anything after that.

To everyone out there, thank you for playing a part in my life. Thank you for all the times we've spent together, be it good times or bad times. I'm sorry if I have ever offended or hurt you in any ways. I didn't mean to. All the memories we've had will always be treasured deep inside my heart and I will never forget you.

Say goodnight, not goodbye
You will never leave my heart behind
Like a path of a star
I'll be anywhere you are

In this spark that lies beneath the coals
In this secret place inside your soul
Keep my light in your eyes
Say goodnight, not goodbye

Don't you fear when you dream
Waking up is never what it seems
Like a jewel buried deep
Like a promise meant to keep

You are everything you want to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
I'll be right by your side
Say goodnight, not goodbye

You are everything you want to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
Keep your light in my eyes
Say goodnight, not goodbye

Say goodnight, not goodbye...

~~ Beth Nielsen Chapman - Say Goodnight (heart at the end of the DC final episode) ~~

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Happy Greetings

For a start, congratulations to my dear Inspector on his first day at work!! *Muakz*

It's Mum & Dad's 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary today!!!! Bought them a Precious Moments Bride & Groom Musical Arch, entitled "I Give You My Love Forever True" with the tune of Pachelbel's Canon In D Major. I love that tune!! The figurine's very fitting for this special occasion. There's no other gift to remind them of their union, the exchanging of voews, the signing of the marriage papers, than this. I placed the figurine in the middle of the dining hall table after midnight so that they could see it this morning, especially Dad, when he has to wake up really early for work. He left a photo there before he went out. A photo of them, taken 25 years ago at the Registrar of Civil Marriage. Hehe..

We'll now wait for 25 more years for the Golden Wedding Anniversary! Happy Anniversay, Dad & Mum!!!