Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Post CNY

Oh wow. I haven't been blogging for nearly a month now. Not that it made any difference, did it How are you?

CNY came and went. Angpows collected. Lion dance performances witnessed. I actually saw a 'lion' fell off from a pole (horror!) at Amcorp Mall. Relatives visited. Reunion dinners attended. Listing of nieces/nephews (from my cousins' on Dad's side) increased to at least 20 now. *Gasp* And a lovely newborn cousin brother, who looks exactly like our late grandfather (Mum's dad, he passed away in early 1997). "Reincarnation", Mum and her siblings always said. "Small Father!" as they refer him. Hehe..

Had a mini 'lou sang' dinner with family at home last night for Chap Goh Meh, and 'tong yuen' for dessert. Mum heard from the radio that people normally have 'tong yuen' on the 15th day of CNY. I always thought it was only eaten during the Chinese Winter Solstice!

Now that the CNY celebration is over, it's time to open the angpow packets!! *nyek nyek nyek*