Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Saturday, November 22, 2003

6 Days Till I'm 24

I had a double pre-Birthday celebration yesterday.

First was with my colleagues where on each month, we hold a small celebration for staffs whose birthdays fall on that particular month. And this month, I'm sharing it with a female colleague (same day as mine!) and Hammie (2 days after me). A mocha walnut cake from the cake factory next door.

The second one was at a BBQ dinner with Moorish, Sue, Lily, Jewel & her bf over at Moorish's place. They got me a cake. Oooh.. Guess what? It's also a mocha walnut cake! *lol* But theirs was from Baker's Cottage, and of course, it looked so much more better and it tasted better. ;) What a coincidence, eh?

Nevertheless, I had a good time at Moorish's place. It drizzled a bit, so the wind was quite breezy that night. We were there from 8pm, helped out with the food while Inspector, Jewel & her bf set up the BBQ set. We just chatted till past midnight before they took out the cake. By 1am or so, we started claning up the place and left after 2am.

I was very touched, really, coz I wasn't hoping for anything from them at all, no gifts or whatsoever. I was looking forward to the dinner coz it had been ages since I last saw them, and I've always never turned up for the MS-es (mamak sessions). We did a lot of catching up with each other, so yeah, it was good. :)

You know how everytime before you blow your birthday cake, you have to make a wish first and hope that it will come true? As Sue quoted, "Last year I wished that I will pass CLP, and it came true!". Haha.. I'm not gonna really tell you what I wished for, coz otherwise it won't come true! But I shall drop you a hint. For the first time, I didn't make a wish for myself. I wished on their behalfs, all 6 of them who were there to celebrate with me. You know what, I felt good after that. Really good. And I've decided that, for every candles I will blow in the years to come, I'm not gonna make a wish for myself, but for other people. :)

So thank you very much, Inspector and my dear friends for the birthday celebration. I hope that what I wished for you guyz will come true. :D