Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

E-Mail Notice

I've been promoted, in effective on this coming 1st July. I'm now a Senior Engineer! Woo hoo!!

Which also means salary increment.. Double woo hoo!! Hehe.. I know for some people, it probably doesn't mean much. Like, being promoted to the Senior level is like nothing, or that the increment is probably peanuts. But if you come from an SMI (small medium industry) firm like me, it is a big deal for me. For the past 1 year or so, I had been contemplating to move on to greener pastures, but now, I guess, the promotion has renewed my motivation to stay on. And I thank God for blessing me with this. ;)

Here's congratulating my fellow colleagues - Ketua, Ricepot and Furball on their promotions too!