Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Friday, January 02, 2004

This Year, I Resolve To...

It's already the 2nd day of the new year. So fast! Time for us to make our NY resolutions.. As usual, resolutions made always ended up being broken. Well, that does not necessarily applies to everyone, though. But this year, I HOPE I will accomplish mine. So what are my resolutions for the year 2004?

1) To gain weight.
To those who do not know me or hasn't seen how I look like, yes, you're not reading this wrong. I'm practically like a stick. I need to gain weight. Desperately and definitely. I'm seriously sick and tired of hearing people say that I'm too thin, or that I don't eat enough, or that I'll easily get blown off by the wind, or being indirectly told that "girls nowadays ah, always want to diet. Always don't want to eat. Always want to be very thin and slim". Hellooooooooooooo... I'm not trying to be like one of them, kay! Do you think I like being this thin???!! It's like a miracle if I get to gain some weight! Because of people like you, I'll gain as much as I can, and shut your bloody mouths!

2) To complete my Piano course.
I've decided that I'm gonna, once and for all, complete everything till Grade 8. Probably need to repeat a couple of grades, since I'm quite rusted with the exam syllabus. Arpeggios? Chromatic scales? WHAT?? And hopefully, I'll do the Diploma after that. I've called up Selangor Institute of Music to enquire. I'll probably need to attend an audition there one day to decide which grade should I continue from.

That's all I can think of, so far.. Well.. Wish me luck! So, what are your NY resolutions? Care to share your list with me?