Memory.. Little threads that hold life's patches of meaning together. ~ Mark Twain

Monday, July 14, 2003

Yeh Yeh Is Dying

I eventually went back to Dad's hometown on Saturday. It was nerve-wrecking.

In the morning, Dad said that Yeh Yeh was in stable condition and looked better than the previous day. Suddenly come afternoon, Mum was desperate to arrange for me to go back. One of my cousin sisters called me and told me that "Yeh Yeh has no hope", and that she would give me a ride. What do you mean "no hope"??? How could this be??? He was fine in the morning!! Dad called me back to confirm the arrangement of the transportation, and I just cried at that point.

Yeh Yeh was fine earlier on, but there was a sudden change in the afternoon. The doctor called the family to go over to the hospital. He told them that Yeh Yeh's blood pressure was very low. He was anemic. He discharged Yeh Yeh, told them to bring him home and to "be prepared". Be prepared for what??? How can the doctor just discharge him like that?? Couldn't he think of something to save him?? So we're supposed to, like, bring him home and wait until his heart and lungs fail???

I couldn't think straight then. I couldn't even drive properly. Luckily Inspector took over the wheel. I packed as soon as I could, my cousin sister fetched me and we hit the highway 1 hour later. Throughout the journey, I kept praying that if Yeh Yeh is really "going", please let us see him for the final time, please let him see us for one last time.

By the time I reached, my relatives were there. I went to see him in the room. He was sleeping. He looked so fragile and weak. He could still talk, could still recognize us. But I could see that he was suffering tremendously. Yeh Yeh looked better yesterday, though. Thank God! Yet I still can't accept the fact why the doctor just want to discharge him just like that. Aren't doctors not supposed to give up even till the last minute??

We came back home last afternoon. At least we knew Yeh Yeh was OK at the moment. But we're leaving our mobile phones switched on, put the house phone's ringing tone to the loudest. If anytime any of our relatives call about Yeh Yeh, we'll head back immediately. I don't know when is he "going". I don't want to know. I don't want to see him go..